Who can enroll the offline training diploma?
Recently graduated electrical engineers and electrical engineering 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year undergraduates.
Who can enroll the online training diploma?
Electrical engineers specialized in the electrical works in construction only. This diploma is not available for undergraduates.
Are there any prerequisites in order to enroll the training diploma?
No prior knowledge is needed to enroll our training diploma. However, basic knowledge about Microsoft Office and AutoCAD is a plus.
What are the admission fees and refund policy?
The admission fees may vary every round, it is announced in the official post of the training round on our Facebook page.
Application withdrawal and complete refund are allowed until 15 days prior to training kick-off. T&C apply as mentioned in the payment acknowledgment.
Any request to refund admission fees after the deadline announced in the official group of the training round will not be accepted under any circumstances.
When will the instructors’ team be announced?
The instructors’ team in every training branch of the summer diploma is announced 45 days prior to the diploma kick-off.